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30 / 06 / 2020

4 common mistakes people make when using the S-CAPEPLUS

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“Don’t hesitate, use the S-CAPEPLUS to evacuate”. Never leave someone behind in case of an emergency.

In the daily quest to get things done faster and better, one thing often gets lost in the shuffle, namely; user experience. This is also true for evacuation equipment. People, who cannot descend stairs on their own, need a plan that gets them out of the building quickly and safely. The S-CAPEPLUS has the ability to descend several flights of stairs easily without harming the person being evacuated or the person who is evacuating.

Top quality products begin with a well-defined development process that includes all necessary steps to ensure that the product meets the customer needs. During the development process of the evacuation mattress, we constantly kept the following in mind: ‘User experience of the S-CAPEPLUS is everything, anyone should be able to use this evacuation aid’. This is why safety experts and users love it! When a serious incident occurs, the S-CAPEPLUS evacuation mattress could save a life; no one should be left behind in case of emergencies.

Using the evacuation mattress is easy, but it requires some knowledge and training, especially when it involves a staircase evacuation. Therefore, we recommend to always consult the official instruction manual. Also check out these video tutorials.

The following photos show dos and don’ts when using your S-CAPEPLUS evacuation mattress. Learn about ways to prevent difficulties by using the demonstration video, the instruction manual, and the advice below.

If you have any questions or concerns about this, please do not hesitate to contact us by mail (info@tetcon-ge.com) or call us on +31 40 298 99 55. We are always eager to help you.

Please note that these tips count for the Basic Model and Premium Model of S-CAPEPLUS Evacuation Mattress

Tip 1: Never place the positioning strap over the arms

This decreases the stability which could cause the person to move on the evacuation mattress.


Evacuatiematras S-CAPEPLUS Sleepmatras S-CAPEPLUS


Tip 2: The hands of the person being evacuated have to be positioned under the flaps.

When the person can use his or her hands while lying on the evacuation mattress, they could, for example, grab onto banisters or doors

Evacuatiemat S-CAPEPLUS Dit is het alternatief voor de evacuatiestoel

Tip 3: We care about your back, so please ensure that you stand up straight when pulling the S-CAPEPLUS.

Evacuatiematras op de juiste manier gebruiken

Tip 4: Use the pulling strap at the highest end in case of horizontal evacuation.

Sleepmatras voor evacuatie Dit is een sleeptechniek voor evacuatiematras

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