Tetcon is excited to announce that Kari The Mortician’s new video, ‘A New Device To Remove The Dead’ premiered today on Youtube. In the video, Kari provides a complete review on the use of the Bodypod Transfer Mat.
Kari Northey is a successful funeral Youtuber from Michigan, US. In her videos, viewers get a glimpse into an industry that’s unknown to many, but she particularly draws funeral directors to her channel that want to learn more about anything related to death and funerals. A video about simplifying in-home removals was still missing in her video portfolio, so this was the perfect moment to put the Bodypod Transfer Mat in the spotlights. She has done a complete test and review on how the device works and how it can reduce physical strain for funeral workers.
Besides sharing the video, Kari also said about the test:
‘The Tetcon Bodypod Removal Device is a super interesting newer item which can be used by funeral homes to bring the deceased from the place of death. With many features and a new approach to mobility, the device was fun to try out! Check out the overview and me putting it into action with my family! Again, thank you to my mom for being the “deceased” for the day.’
You can now check out the review video below and learn more about the Bodypod:
If you are interested and want to learn more about the Bodypod, you may check out this product page.
The transfer device is available for funeral directors in Europe, North-America, Australia, Middle East and large parts of Asia.
Also read: How Pemberley Cremations utilizes the Bodypod