The rise of digital currencies
The migration toward digital payments continues to accelerate, not solely driving by the pandemic but also due to an increased interest in digital currencies from consumers and institutions.
Therefore, Tetcon today announced that it is allowing its customers to use their cryptocurrency holdings to pay for goods and services bought from the company. The move comes from increasing product demand from countries with highly fluctuating domestic currencies that have resulted into massive inflation rises in those specific countries. Also, central banks in some countries have banned the domestic sales of Euros or Dollars making the trade between the potential customer and Tetcon impossible. And that is a missed opportunity according to the company.
A lot of potential
Mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies has somehow been hindered by their ‘limited utility’ as an instrument of exchange due to the cost, speed to transact and its volatility. However, more and more companies have now begun to see the potential in the digital currencies. A few of the reasons are; no more long waiting times when receiving funds from abroad, no transaction fees, no worries about different exchange rates and a secured record of all transactions. And those are simple reasons why Tetcon decided to adopt this payment option for its customers.
Payment through Bitpay
Tetcon will charge no transaction fee for payments with crypto and only one type of coin can be used for each order. All aids that you can order from Tetcon can be paid with this payment method. Payment receivals will go through Bitpay.